Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fight cancer with your fork...

I happen to be in a sharing mood today, but not in much of a writing mood, so I'm going to take the easy way out. Below I've attached a solid article on foods that can kill cancer cells in your body, as well as save you much heartache and doctor bills. I truly believe in healing with the food we've been given rather than a pill filled with an unknown substance. Of all the foods listed I personally find garlic ( raw-uncooked) to be the most potent cancer, virus and bacteria killing. I hope you enjoy the article and it does wonders for your health....

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The fork in the road...

Each of us have our own personal journey, in which we do have some help and people along the way that serve to guide us down the path. We come to several crossroads where we are expected to make choices exercising our free will. We can choose to continue on the heavily traveled path, which I call the path of darkness, or walk the path of the light which is truth, demanding listening and obedience. The first path is wide and initially appears the easier of the two, apposed to the other which is a narrow path that could seem rather uncertain at times. The first contains many traveler's that seem content, until a bump in the road or a gate to climb, usually the point where anxiety, fear and helplessness takes over. The same path involves much guess work relating to career, relationships and further choices you will meet. The second path offers inner peace, fulfillment and perfect love regardless of what obstacles we face. The obstructions on this path are strategically placed in the road to force a trial of growth and understanding. This path leads us right back home where we came from, while the wide path has a resting place of inner and outer destruction . The biggest difference is that my path is being led by the creator of both the path and myself, who promises to walk at my side at all times. He is always faithful, keeps all promises and knows what's best for me far better than I do. When I met the fork in the road, he was there personally to invite me down his path. Every human will arrive at the fork in the road symbolizing choice and change. Seek truth and light, strive to find YOUR purpose and ask plenty of questions along the way...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Life simplicities...

The more time I spend around "the elite", the more I'm throughly convinced that this life was meant to be lived slowly and simply. I listen to conversations comparing Fendi bags, plastic surgeons, dog groomers and financial advisors. But the look on their face screams, "All my money just isn't fulfilling my emptiness". Maybe they are looking past, and not appreciative of the simple things in life. The sunrise and sunset, a picnic within nature, or a cup of tea ( Green ) and a deep conversation seems more meaningful if you ask me. Quiet your mind down, enjoy the simple while taking a good look at the bigger picture. The past year has tumble saulted my old priorities, living a life closer to those I love, and in complete thanks of what I DO have at the moment, rather than what I don't. Of course I still strive towards my goals and the inner most desires of my heart, but I don't tangle my mind around the two without first looking at the very present. I hope this message finds you well and feeds your mind...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Finishing touches...

So I've been in transition to a vegan / raw food lifestyle for almost a year now. I like to call it a journey, since that is truly the best way to describe it. I took out meat first, then chicken and recently limited my fish intake, while adding a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables for optimum nutrition. I've experienced many positives in the last year, along with negatives. But as I read books, blogs and articles about this lifestyle, authors rave about the clarity of mind and feeling ( or moments ) of just "pure bliss", that we call the raw food high. Now I can't say I didn't experience increased clarity of mind, creativity and an overall well being, but not to the high power that they were describing. Well this past week I finally found that last piece to this puzzle. Just by intuition I decided to pull out a food processor ( not juicer ) that my mother had given to me as a gift, and really put it to good use. I was actually having a sweet tooth moment and decided to throw together one of these "Green Smoothies" that I read so much about. Yea it sounds pretty gross to someone who had subway for lunch, ( that would be you ) but the truth is once you perfect the recipe and experience what it does to every sense, muscle, organ and cell in your body, it's actually invigorating and addicting. After drinking my new friend, I felt that "high" and "pure bliss", and actually ended up making another smoothie before dinner. The recipe to my first creation is as follows...

1 hand full of raw spinach
1 hand full of arugula
1 cup of raw cucumber
2 banana's
8 frozen strawberries
1 Peach
2 cups of almond milk ( purified water is fine too )

There are infinite combinations of green's, fruits and veggies you can mix. Just as a side note, a normal blender won't cut up greens, your best bet it a high powered food processor. Any questions on this post or a machine, please feel free to contact me. Do your body a favor and make this a daily routine, your skin, hair, and nails will appreciate and reflect the nourishment as well...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Embracing the present...

We spend much of our days thinking and preparing for the future, or possibly even trying to figure out the events of the past. I myself was guilty of this, until I crash landed on the conclusion that both past and future are completely out of our control. The past is behind us, and as for the future, this quote really is a tell all. "Life is what happens while were busy making plans". As hard as we try to plan for the ideal future, there is a higher power that has a grip on things and will take you in a direction u least expect. That's why it boggles my mind that people don't converse with this higher power on a daily basis, but that's a whole other blog post. So if living in the past or planning for the future isn't exactly healthy, than what is? Well it's a simple concept called living in the present moment. Look around you right now and be thankful for everything you do have, a family, your health, the computer your using and the pillow you'll rest your head on tonight. Breathe in life as it's happening around you, and stop drowning your mind in an unpredictable future. Instead of walking home from the subway thinking about the chores of tomorrow, open your eyes to life today. Reality is that tomorrow can be taken from us or changed in the fraction of a second, so experience life as you know it. Sit within nature in awe of the beauty that has been placed around us, not to be looked past. This life is a final exam that you didn't get the chance to study for, but you have been given "in class" resources to help you pass...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Time to give back...

Your body is an amazing machine, known to be it's own best doctor, and will remain extremely loyal to you up until its ultimate breaking point. If your like me ( like I was ) you spent years over eating meats, processed foods full of sugar and going out a few times a week poisoning yourself with alcohol. Your body doesn't mind much in your younger years, it will deal with the abuse and bounce back just as quick as you ask it to. Now my readers that drive know how it is when you bring your neglected car in for a routine wheel alignment, to have the mechanic inform you that you happen to need new brakes, struts, tires, and a computer chip. Your body works in a similiar fashion, you can drive it hard for a while without any issues, but when something fails you it's usually a vicious and possibly fatal chain reaction. So here are just a few foods that cleanse and will assist in erasing some of the beating you put on your body this summer...

Fresh squeezed lemon water - I have a prior post on lemon water but just to reiterate, a great liver cleanser loaded with vitamins and minerals.

Garlic (raw)- Garlic is one of the most impressive and potent of natural foods, with its powerful antibiotic, antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties, garlic is one food that you should be eating every day.

Beets- The pigment that gives beetroot its rich, red color, betacyanin, has found to be a powerful cancer-fighting agent. Beets' potential effectiveness against colon cancer in particular. Great for skin health as well.

Apples- Apples contain quercetin, which is a powerful antioxidant. This substance not only fights cancer, but protects your brain from degeneration, fighting Alzheimer's disease. A recent food database analysis also shows that adults who eat apples have less hypertension, which is a major factor of heart disease.

Papaya- Papaya is one of the tastiest cleansing foods. They promote digestive health with natural enzymes. In case you didn't know, a body with strong digestion has a stronger immunity and has the ability to remove built up waste from the body, which may be in the form of excess fat and weight. In addition, strong digestion equals a speedy metabolism.

Greens- Including spinach, chard, kale, wheat grass, arugula, and super foods such as spirulina and chlorella. These plants will help give a chlorophyll-boost to your digestive tract. Chlorophyll rids the body of harmful environmental toxins from smog, heavy metals, herbicides, cleaning products and pesticides. They also aid the liver in detoxification.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

An old friend...

First and foremost let's clear up a rumor that has surfaced and been spreading around for a while now. The sugar in fruit does not cause weight gain, and thats factual. As I posted a while back, my morning's are spent grazing on different types of fruits in respect to the chart of fruit combining or natural hygiene. When I speak of raw foods in their god given state, that is directed towards fruits and vegetables which are haven't been cooked, heated or processed, and consumed in the true nature which they were given. Now let's discuss a close friend of mine who has been given a bad name over the years, and unrighteously so. The banana is abundant in sugars that convert to quick and sustainable energy. An excellent source of potassium which is crucial for kidney function and minimizes the excretion of calcium which leads to stronger bones. Men who are deficient in potassium and calcium are those who end up developing kidney stones over time. Bananas are a greeat source of vitamin B6 which ultimately is converted into energy, while having a calming effect on the brain. Bananas are best eaten around time of exercise or used as a healthy boost for that 3pm slump. I personally make it a point to utilize bananas ( usually 2 ) as my energy source as I'm out and about during the day. Remember when it comes to fruit or vegetables, variety is key. Eat up!